Movie: Grave Encounters
I just saw this movie, and I even forced my mom into watching it with me xD But she fell alseep !! Darn women haha.. It was a bit scary, but I think if you see this movie a second time when you know what's going to happen (like the paranormal activcity movies) it's gonna be a slow ass movie!
The ending is very wierd though :S
plot (begining of the movie)
The crew of "Grave Encounters", a ghost-hunting reality television show, are shooting an episode inside the abandoned Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital, where the show host, Lance, takes the crew for investigation of the unexplained phenomena that has been reported for years. Accompanied with him are Sasha, a supernatural expert, Camera Man "T.C.", a technical expert named Matt, and a psychic named Houston. At first, while filming an introduction before the lock down, Lance is skeptical of the existence of ghosts and even bribes the gardener into claiming on film about supernatural occurrences.