Finding Mr Destiny

Last night I watched this film called Finding Mr Destiny. It's not the best movie I have seen. But it was a bit funny and cute. And one other thing, the end.. I don't get it at all O.o It's a very wierd ending see for your self xD And if someone get the end pleeeeaaaas (!) tell me :)

The Movie Trailer:


A woman named Seo Ji-Woo (Lim Soo-Jung) traveled to India and met her first true love Kim Jong-Ok. Since that time Ji-Woo can't forget her first love. She then turns to the company "첫사랑 찾기 주식회사" - which means literally "Finding Your First True Love Company" to help track down Kim Jong-Ok.

Han Gi-Joon (Gong Yoo) started "Finding Your First True Love Company" and he takes on Seo Ji-Woo as the company's first client. The pair travel all over Korea to find Seo Ji-Woo's first love and in the process Han Gi-Joon finds himself falling in love with his first client ...


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