Secret Reunion

Last night I saw the movie Secret Reunion with Song Kang-Ho from the movie Thirst, and Kang Dong-Won from one of my favourite movies - Jeon Woo-Chi!

Song Kang-Ho from the movie Thirst.
Thirst is a really f**ked up movie, but it's okay :)

And then we have..

Kang Dong-Won from the movie Jeon Woo-Chi !
Jeon Woo-Chi is a great movie, and very funny :)

He is so damn good looking <3


Ji-won is one of the North Korean Assassins that lives in South Korea as a ordinary citizen, until their calling: the assassination of Kim Jung-Il's second cousin, who wrote a book the North Korea's Government that deemed it as a great betrayal. However one of the members betray in order to find a new life in South Korea and Ji-won mistakenly becomes the target for both country.

Lee Han-gyu is a dedicated agent of the National Intelligence Service who tries to foil the hit. Despite having insider information, he tries to prevent the assassination without reporting to his agency but with just his team. Unable to prevent the assassination and with loss of his fellow agents in a gun fight, he becomes the sole scapegoat for the agency and get's discharged.

Six years lager, Lee is now a private investigator who locates runaway mail order brides and a bounty hunter as Ji-won works in construction. Lee gets saved from a mob by Ji-won and they meet as coincidence while they both recognized each other but keeping it to themselves. When Han-gyu recognizing Ji-won instantly, he talks him into working for him with heavy incentive with ulterior motive for his previous unfinished business - as Ji-won accepts Han-Gyu's offer (as well as to live together) to spy on him, thinking that Han-Gyu is still an agent.

All information is taken from wikipedia.


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