Study japanese in tokyo?
My mom's colleague and her boyfriend are about to leave for Tokyo, Japan to study Japanese! And my mother thought it could be something for me because I like asia and would really like to go there and learn either Japanese or Korean.
CSN stands for much of the cost, because they want more people from western world come and study !
So maybe my dream can come true? The best of all would be to spend 1 or 2 years in Japan, 'cause then I can use Japanese on daily basis ^___^
It would definitely be an awesome experience!
Crazy night!
Gosh.. Last night was so wierd and crazy! I got home around 9 this morning. it was some heavy partying last night for sure! But i had a LOT of fun :D I will upload some pictures when I can get my phone to start ^^
I'm alive! ;)
Sorry for the non update, but I have been in a bad mood and my teeth are hurting like hell! The first night after the surgery the pain was so intese that I couldn't sleep :( and the second day if felt okay, but now the pain is starting to come back :S It feels kinda like when you have a wound that is about to heal, and it's itches very much, it feels on those parts of my teeth fixed by dentists, plus it hurts a little.
But it's late here so I better get to bed :) Just wanted to give you a quick update!
Tomorrow I'm going to the hospital to fix my teeth while I'm sedaded, since I am scared to death of dentists and needles and all those tools they have haha euw.. And I'm going there by myself, so I hope that the dentists and doctors are going to be nice to me!
My worst fear is not waking up or like wake up in the middle of the surgery ;___;
Weekend break
Sick on a friday..
I hate being sick on weekends, 'cause then I want to party and spend time with my friends :O And when I say party I mean that I want to dance and have fun and take 1 or 2 beers, not getting myself drunk! Wich I have noticed that a lot if people think when one person says they like to party a lot ^___^
It's no better feeling to have been out dancing all night long and wake up the next morning with soreness instead of a huge hangover :)
A lot dramas and movies
Since I got sick I have done nothing but to watch movies and dramas and so on. Thats why all of my update is about something with movies, dramas or music! And if you have seen any good movie,drama, anime or something like that, pleas leave a comment below :)
I'm back ;)
There is more than one reason for my blog break, the police called me a few days ago. And they told me that something I reported is probably going to court. And on top of that I'm very hurt 'cause of something that happend last weekend. Something I would never had done to a friend. And a lot more that just that haha, well.. My time off has been okay I guess. It's been nice not to do care about anything.
But I guess I should tell you guys about last weekend! :) It was Halloween! But I didn't wore a costume. So.. On Friday I went to a party at my friend Mats appartment, it's soooo tiny! and we were soo many people! But I had really fun :) And after that Agust, Carl and I went to After and then I went to Lobby with a friend of mine :)

And then on Saturday I got home to Mats again and later that evening I went to Ace, and of all the guys there.. I chose to give the guard my number ! But he was sooo damn good looking! AND (!) he was wearing a suit ;) (If you haven't noticed I LOVE LOVE LOVE guys in a suit!!!)
Sunday-did the laundry and so on.
Monday-Went out to the pub Harry B James with Katja, Dino and Max. Even met a bunch of old friends there. Hanna + some girl I don't remember the name of and I sang "Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer" !! We did reaally good haha :D
Tuesday-I was at the ice hockey game :)
Wednesday-I had a fatso day with my mom and just had a nice quiet time :)
Thursday-I was to the dentist about having me sedaded while they fix my teeth, I am extremley terrified of the dentist and I almost start to cry everytime. One of the reasons is that they always say "no it doesn't hurt a bit!!" Yeah right.. IT HURT LIKE HELL! lol.. And after that I went to Jozey's to get my beloved curling iron!! I have missed it soooo much :O I have felt so damn ugly without my cute curly hair :(

or you can just klick on the link below on the sidebar!
Hello :)
Today I have an appointment with a SYV. I'm in desperate help to applying for a school and I need to choose the right one to! It's only 9 days left :O ..
And about this weekend. I have been really busy, Friday I was out with my dad, sister, michaela, Jozey and Hai and played some pool and then we went to Viperroom and danced a little :) Then on Saturday I was at the ice-hockey game DIF-LHF (?) and after that we went to "greken" and had a few more beers, and then I went to Tigern (a thai bar in hornstull) with Jozey and Hai :) Hahahahaha and since I barely listening to american or swedish music.. I failed on Lady GaGa-Poker Face on kareoke infront of the whole bar!! And it was sooo embarassing xD Jozey nor I could the text of the song, not even if we read the text on the screen only "Pppppppp-oker face" And to our rescue was a swedish girl who actually knew the lyrics to the song! *pehuw*
I will share some pictures later from the weekend :)
Good morning! :D
And I decided to make e "bloppis" check it out :D
I'm soooo tired! Yesterday when I got home from work and when I finally wen I fell asleep, 3-4 hours later some idiot calls me ! And I'm very confused and think it's my alarm-clock on the phone. But no.. So I fell asleep again and woke up like 1-2 times per hour, and then 04.00 am I woke up and rushed out of bed 'cause I thought that I had slept to long. Then I looked at the clock.. and it was 2 hours left.. Then Finally when my alarm rang I got up super tired, walked lika a zombie, work-brake-work.
Yeah yeah.. And I will not update any furthur to night I think. Maybee later I don't know.
Off to IKEA
Work, training and school
Today is workday for me, I started 7 this morning, lucky me I got a break between 9 am and 3 pm :D So I had the time to work out, I pushed my self so hard that I almost fainted, I love that feeling! Then you feel like you've done a great work out and feel much healthier!
Later I'm going to call the school counselor to get an appointment and even call my old secondary schools to have them send my ratings :)
Blog you later! :D
So next up is to visit a school counselor and talk about what school should be good for me and so on.
Good morning!
And also I can't put up any pictures yet 'cause my sister and her children is here and we need to get this place done and so on, so I'm sorry for leaving you with boring blog posts with no pictures.
And later today we are going to Elgiganten (?) to buy a new flatscreen! :)
1 Day left!
I'm going to be very busy today and surley(I don't even know if that word excists xD) the whole week. But I will try to update tomorrow and maybe show pictures of how our old appartment look compared to the new one (wich is smaller).
Pink Lollipop
And about the halloween party, I think we are going to get a place to rent! We have found some places, so I'm pretty sure that one of them is going to be available!!!
Well.. Time to hit the sheets, good night :)
Soon I'm going to meet Nicole :D So time to get in the shower and make myself human!
Halloween planning
And to another "problem" I got a huge dilemma on wich caracter I'm gonna be, Mad hatter or Alice ?? You know from Alice In Wonderland ;) (Yes some people have no clue who they are!) So if anyone reads this scroll down to the 2 outfits and pleas send me a comment on wich one you think I should go with :)