I Decided to stop blogging here. atleast for now, you can find me and my photos on either Instagram or Snapeee(It's like the Japanese version of Instagram and much more sweet.) My user name on both is : Yukis92 :-)
White chocolate <3
11/2 2012

14/2 2012

~I love you more than air~
If I could breath You instead of air I would
If there was a movie about You, it would be the best movie ever
If there was a colour like You, it would be painted everywhere I go
If there was a record made by You, I would listen to it on repeat
I never thought I could love someone this much
so much that it hurts and brings tears to my eyes
I'm really greatful to have met the most wonderful Man on this earth
I hate beeing away from You, not beeing beside You and hold You in my arms
When You are not here with me it almost feels like You are just a wonderful dream
But everytime I get to see Your face again
Your touches reminds me that You are not a dream
You are just a dream that came true, and that You're actually real
So thank You for coming into my life and making it meaningful
I would have missed You even if we never met
I would have become lost without You
I Love You
I'm back
Wow.. I can't believe it was only 3 days ago since my last update, I have barely been home and have spend ALOT of time with Henrik these past days :) I promisse to my self that I'm gonna get better at it and take more photos . I have only taken 1 O___o And thats on our dinner from yesterday haha..
Right now I'm eating coco sticks with orange juice and watching Under Hill 60 , It's based on a true event and I got all this tension in my body that you get from watching an eventful film.
First real snow here in stockholm and the first snowman ^______^
As I told you before Henrik and I went to my dad and had dinner :) Later that evening me and my sisters and my 2 nieces decided to go out and play in the snow!! I have wanted to build my damn snowman for a very long time, and now I finally got to do one :)) It's not that pretty, but it's hard to do a cute round snowman when your nieces are hitting it through the whole building session :o
We made ricenoodles with soup (mushrooms, celery, sprouts and leeks with vegetable stock)
Yesterday I went to Mai's place to hangout, we played some Alfapet and ate a lot of food! I had a really great time ^____^ I even got my nails done and eyebrows fixed, and we took a bunch of photos just for the fun of it :)
And right now I'm waiting for Henrik to come, I miss him a lot! Even though I met him yesterday as well ^^
Merry Christmas! :D
Home and sick :((
I got sick again!! :( A few days ago I couldn't even talk without my voice crackin' every second, but it starting to get normal again. I hope that I will get well so I can go out this weekend, I hate stayign at home :o
noticed any different about me?
our christmas tree!
This is how our christmas tree looks like this year, I like it :) But I prefer "old school*" christmas, with the real tree and old decor with all kinds of christmasy things!
Pictures from this weekend
Here is some pictures from Friday when we celebrated Gustav :D
I'm the happiest girl on earth right now :D

Yesterday I got to meet Mario Kempe!!! He is so daamn hoot!!!! Usually I'm only into asian guys.. But I'm shaking like crazy! Just 'cause he's so damn good looking! I was so nervous that I almost couldn't say my name to him either haha..
After the game me, Janne, Mom, Annike and Dunken went to Greken and had a bite to eat and a few beers, later we went to the globen hotel and had a bit more, and we ended the night at Undici :) But that place sucks! Srsly.. just older people and no cute guys at all :O So it was quiet a bummer.